
Who We Are
What would happen if millions of people across the planet combined their resources to solve shared global problems like climate change and poverty? We are a group of concerned people who, since 2014, have come together to think hard about that question. We’ve experimented with several ideas and have created an experience that participants have called easy, fun and rewarding. We think there is real promise here. After all, the Internet has revolutionized banking, music, shopping, medicine and so much more. Isn’t it time it revolutionized democracy?
Why We're Doing This
We all know that the world is facing massive problems, like climate change, extreme poverty and refugee crises. As individuals, we often look on and feel helpless to do anything in response. But history teaches us that large numbers of people acting together toward shared objectives can achieve amazing things. With the Internet and other advances, collective action is possible at a scale and speed never dreamed of before.
We believe people around the world can join forces and combine their money, time, and wisdom to identify and accelerate the best solutions to our biggest problems. We’ve designed a way to make collective decisions that is quick, engaging, and satisfying.
Governments, market-forces, and even well-meaning billionaires are not equipped to solve some of the world’s greatest problems. We're launching Shared Nation because we believe large-scale, digitally-coordinated, collective action can complement these institutions. We can have wisdom without ego. We can act swiftly, yet with tremendous deliberation. Most importantly, we can apply massive resources while being immune from special interests. In our system, nobody has enough power to be worth lobbying.
We’re serious about creating a new, intensely democratic, virtual community of people from around the world. As fellow citizens with a common cause, we can become an important alternative to existing power structures that are too entrenched in the status quo to enact the change we need to save our planet and create an equitable world.
Our Core Values
While the values of the Shared Nation will ultimately represent the cumulative values of the community, we begin with these premises:
- All people are welcomed into this community as equals. Anyone over the age of 18, and anyone aged 14 to 17 with parental consent, can take part as citizens, regardless of race, creed, wealth, background or nation of origin. The votes of each person in Shared Nation count exactly the same amount in all of our decisions; no matter how much they contribute, every person who joins gets the same number of votes.
- We treat one another with civility and respect.
- Everything we do is transparent to one another.
- Citizens can actively help to shape the way the Shared Nation works (including having an input on these values).
Our Advisors

Our Team

The 2018 Shared Nation Fellowship.