Call your senator and representative

Call your senator and representative
The Problem
What do we do in the wake of the women's march?
The Solution
As Tip O'Neil said, "All politics are local." So here's something you can do - call your Senators and Congress person and tell them how you want them to vote. It takes 5 minutes and you all have that. You can also email, comment on their FB page and on Twitter. If you have more time check out Indivisible to see if there is a group near you. If not, start one. Decide your key issues and make an action plan. As a mother and grandmother I'm concerned about climate change, healthcare and women's rights but to make a difference voter rights and registration will be key. I'm an independent - it doesn't matter which party you belong to. This is what we are doing after the March and we need your support and voices to keep the momentum going. The March was not a pity party it was democracy in action.