Lady Parts Justice League: Using humor and pop-culture to expose the haters

Lady Parts Justice League: Using humor and pop-culture to expose the haters



Lady Parts Justice League: Using humor and pop-culture to expose the haters

LPJL’s vigilant and hilarious coffee fueled abortion defenders use original rapid response media to fire back at the relentless attacks on repro rights.

The Problem

2017 is already off to a rough start. President Trump has initiated an all-out offensive against women and women's rights. With the President's backing, haters will have the resources and support needed to turn hateful rhetoric into law.

The Solution

Lady Justice League has a two-pronged approach to fighting back. First, they are offering boots on the ground to fight the Trump administration with good, old-fashioned grassroots organizing. Secondly, Lady Parts Justice, has assembled a rapid response media team who is calling out the "sexist batshittery" that infiltrates our pop-culture. Lady Parts Justice is a unique and provocative organization that isn't afraid to call bullshit when they see it.

Stage of Development


Organization to Receive Funds

Lady Parts Justice League

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