Reverse the Course
Changing girls’ lives through the gift of education.
The Problem
An estimated 130 million girls between the age of 6 and 17 do not go to school, according to UNESCO; 15 million, half of them in sub-Saharan Africa, never will. And those who face other, cross-cutting disadvantages — low family income, living in remote or underserved locations, disability, poor infrastructure, or belonging to a minority ethno-linguistic group — have the lowest chances of getting an education.
The Solution
The mission of Reverse the Course is to “change girls’ lives through the gift of education.” Founded in 2012 by then 12-year-old Mary Grace Henry, the organization has funded the education of girls in Kenya, Uganda, Paraguay and Haiti who otherwise would not have been able to attend school. Funds are generated by the sale of $7 to $32 hair care accessories — barrettes, bows, buttons, headbands, ponytails — made by Mary Grace, and have so far provided 164 years’ worth of tuition to 79 girls. RTC also provides primary school support for girls at risk of female genital mutilation, early marriage or abuse, as well as business training and mentoring programs to “empower girls to become positive agents of positive change in their societies.”
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Reverse the Course.
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