MYO Democracy: It's time you had a direct say on the laws that affect you! It’s time to #Vote4U!"
The Problem
Our democratic governments are broken; many of our political representatives cater more to self-interest rather than fighting for the needs of the people they represent, with little accountability. In our representative systems the person you elect has no obligation to vote the way they promised and are often instead pressured internally to vote along party-lines. If you don’t like it what can you do? Vote them out after a few years and hope the next group do better!?
Prior to elections, potential representatives and parties alike are often unclear about their full agenda. You vote for representatives based on promises they can’t live up to. Politics has become a marketing campaign that over-promises and under-delivers as representatives often use opinion rather than facts. They have to negotiate and compromise with wealthy lobbyists and other representatives. The various shadow parties purposely undermine the outcome so they can play the blame-game and have a better chance of being elected next term.
Together this means that our Representative Democracies are barely democracies at all! We need measurable and beneficial outcomes for ordinary citizens. The system needs to change to more accurately reflect your needs and wants. You should have a say on the decisions that directly affect you and your community!
The Solution
With our high rates of internet access and mobility across the modern world, it’s about time we had a direct say on the laws that so strongly affect us. Make Your Own Democracy is developing a collaborative democratic system that allows citizens to discuss and decide their own fate in a timely and civil manner. Together, with you holding the wheel, we’ll collect and provide the data needed to make such decisions, and the tools with which to make them. The technology to do so is available! The desire for serious, fundamental change is growing!
Guided by MYOD’s expertise in Improvement, Redesign and Transformation and combining modern tools in use today, together we’ll create a free-to-use platform for Collaborative Decision Making. As a free-thinking citizen, you'll be able to raise issues and concerns, propose and prioritise options, review research, define expectations and vote for solutions you believe are most likely to succeed, then follow its progress as we continuously measure the outcome and expected benefits.
MYO Democracy is non-partisan and will support, promote, drive, petition, monitor and generally pester the existing incumbent government to actually listen to what you have said you really need, regardless of whether the solution you choose is left, right or somewhere in between!
It’s in your hands! It’s time to #Vote4U and the first step is to vote for MYOD to get the pilot program up and running.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
MYO Democracy
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