Hellenism and Democracy Academy in Athens
An Academy to teach Democracy at the country it was born. To educate how Society could be the Ruler.
The Problem
We provide the space for the Academy headquarters, conference main hall although rather small and an open air small amphitheater but we mainly miss conference hall furniture, audio visual systems, promotion and secretarial support personnel. Our crowdfunding with Indiegogo could be for a smaller amount like $20,000 instead of #70,000 which in our initial calculations was including the Greek Diaspora approach too.
The Solution
As it is a citizens' education project it needs wide audience approach systems. It will have probably to overcome polemics by organized oligarchic kartels. Therefore will need to approach scientists of political science objective workers. Our slogan could be: [Philosophizing instead of Believing], or [Dogmatism is killing Philosophy], and [Democracy needs Philosophers as it was born by them]
Organization to Receive Funds
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