Jinko Solar: Building the largest solar farm ever

Jinko Solar: Building the largest solar farm ever
An attempt to create the largest solar plant on the planet
The Problem
Solar energy is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to spread renewable energy. And yet many people are still not convinced that solar energy is ready to be taken to scale. In order to convince the masses, larger and larger demonstration projects need to be built in order to properly illustrate the capabilities of solar power and to reduce the per unit cost of production.
The Solution
Jinko Solar has proposed the building of a 1.18-gigawatt (GW) solar plant, which would generate enough electricity to power 193,520 homes. This project, if completed, would be a big win for the solar industry overall. To provide some perspective, this project would be equivalent to 1.7% of all solar installations worldwide in 2016.
Stage of Development
Organization to Receive Funds
Shared Nation would fund Jinko Solar, a Chinese Solar firm, who is responsible for planning a majority of the project.
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