Ecopolis: Building the first regenerative city

Ecopolis: Building the first regenerative city
An attempt to create an environmentally sustainable and safe “regenerative city” as a model for others
The Problem
One might not expect Iowa City, a midsize heartland town of 70,000, to be on the forefront of urban sustainability issues. But Iowa City has everything to lose if climate change isn’t addressed. In 2008, a massive flood caused an estimated $64 billion in damage to the state, roughly equivalent to that caused by Hurricane Sandy. That flood was preceded by 239 tornadoes, which hit the Midwest over a nine-day period.
The Solution
After the flood waters subsided, and the tornado damage was clear, a group of Iowa City residents began to seriously think about how to design a more robust, sustainable urban center. “Ecopolis Iowa City” was organized to brainstorm urban restoration, biodiversity, local food, inclusionary and urban designs, renewable energy, and transportation initiatives for the future of the city. Their initial efforts have turned into a movement. Now they want to make Iowa City the first regenerative city, a model for others around the world.
Stage of Development
Organization to Receive Funds
Shared Nation would fund Ecopolis, which is working to make Iowa City the first regenerative city.
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