Citizen Voice and Actions: Youth Voice Rwanda project
The seeks to encourage youths for active participation in decision making processes and lead democratic consolidation processes. CVA will train 10 University students’ councils for developing a stronger culture of dialogue among their youth members to better influence Rwandan political and social leadership; bring together 100 young practitioners advocating for democracy across the Region in youth leadership forum; Develop Radio programs to give opportunity to discuss issues important to them with local leaders and insuring that their voice are heard; Girls empowerment through active engagement of men and boys in youth led forums as well as refugee camps; train 100 leadership and advocacy trainers and produce 250 leadership fellows trained in leadership skills; create spaces for debate and Dialogue through Community youth led forums; awareness raising campaign encouraging youth for active participation in decision making processes; Dialogues on social accountability.
The Problem
Citizen Voice and Actions believes that young people have the right to participate in decisions that affect them and the life of their community. Participation gives youth the opportunity to have a say about what is important to them, allows them to make their ‘own’ decisions about their lives, increases self-confidence and skills, and empowers them to be a full and valued part of the community. Youth make up above 60% of the Rwandan population making it the largest in the history of this country. One would say Rwanda is blessed because of its youthful population but the truth of the matter is youth in the country are still facing a lot of challenges including violence, lack of critical thinking skills, barriers to their engagement and participation; not feel engaged with decision making at a local or national level and disconnect between what young people think themselves and what decision-makers believe young people ‘need’. And many other challenges that undermine their rights. RGS 2016 shows that only 59% of citizen satisfaction in their participation in decision making; and also affirming that only 27.3% of citizen satisfaction with their participation in performance contracts planning; 7.4 % of citizens have satisfaction in their participation in preparation of district budget and plans(RGB score card 2016) and CVA believe also that without youth as active stakeholders, any Democracy will backslide given the large proportion of youth in the county population and young people’s frequent drive for change.
The Solution
By implementing this project we aim to encourage young people for active participation in decision making processes and lead democratic consolidation processes. The specific objectives of the project are developing young people’s capacity to take part in all decision making processes and lead democratic transformation processes and create an environment based on culture of democracy in which there is space for young people’s participation with ability to transform Democracy. The expected outcomes are:
- That the voices of the youth are included in the shaping of policies and programs.
- Young people have capacities to participate and lead democratic consolidation processes.
- Young people have the right to participate in decisions that affect them and the life of their community.
- Young people have increased their competence in thinking strategically, capable of making hard decisions, oriented and capable of developing new opportunities.
- Young people have increased their competences in training
Their fellows in topics related to democratic leadership and advocacy This will solve the challenges we have described by giving young people the opportunity to have a say in decisions affecting their own lives, allows them to make their ‘own’ decisions about their lives, increases self-confidence and skills, and empowers them to be a full and valued part of the community; Advocating for young people to have equitable access to participate in their communities and Promoting participation strategies that engage young people in supportive and meaningful ways.
Planned Use Of Funds
Accountability and integrity are the core values of our organization. We are open and transparent about how we conduct our activities, and are accurate in reporting our outcomes. We are honest and adhere to the highest moral principles. We earn and maintain our constituents’ utmost trust. A current account will be opened in the name of the project exclusively to receive funds for implementation of project according to the fund agreement. Check Stubs will be kept reference of debit and credit operations made. Payments will be made by check or by bank transfer. Returns and expenses on bank account will be posted in a bank statement and latter attached at the financial reports to show the situation of bank transactions. The accountant should verify whether all operations are recorded bank transactions as they appear on bank statement. Once a year, an independent audit office will conducts an external audit of the project’s account.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Citizen Voice and Actions
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