Higher Heights
Harnessing the growing clout of Black women to boost their political representation.
The Problem
Despite demonstrating a growing electoral, economic, and online imprint, America’s 23 million Black women are underrepresented both politically and economically. Black women account for one out of 100 U.S. Senators; 18 out of 435 congresspeople. They hold 2.2 percent of seats on Fortune 500 corporate boards, and earned 60 cents for every dollar earned by a white man. And they have largely been left out of important debates related to civil rights, economic justice, and reproductive justice.
The Solution
Higher Heights is the only national organization providing Black women with a political home exclusively dedicated to harnessing their power to elect Black women, influence elections and advance progressive policies. Through online training, research, cultural-shifting communications work and digital campaigns, the organization seeks to build the political power and leadership of Black women from the voting booth to elected office and create the environment for Black women to run, win and lead.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Higher Heights
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