Coral Reef Alliance
Uniting communities to save coral reefs.
The Problem
Some 25 percent of all marine life depends on coral reefs and an estimated 1 billion people depend on them for food and income. However, coral reefs around the world are at risk due to local-level threats like overfishing, water pollution and habitat destruction. Now, thanks to rising ocean temperatures, they also have to contend with global-level threats, such as coral bleaching. When these threats combine, it severely compromises the ability for corals to grow, reproduce, and thrive. Today, a startling 75 percent of our coral reefs are threatened, and 27 percent have already been lost. One-third of reef-building corals are considered at risk of extinction and scientists predict that by 2050 all of the world's coral reefs will be in peril.
The Solution
The Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) leads holistic conservation programs that improve coral reef health and resilience in four critically important reef regions of the world. In partnership with local stakeholders, including fishermen, government leaders, divers and scientists, CORAL works to protect reefs from overfishing and land-based pollution; conserve and restore reef habitats; and understand how reefs might adapt to rapidly changing environmental conditions. Core to their approach is the principle of partnership. “We believe that for conservation to be durable, our interventions must be aligned with the social, cultural and economic needs of each community and that local leaders must be empowered to lead the effort.”
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Coral Reef Alliance
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