Ending Overfishing from The Black Fish on Vimeo.

The Black Fish
Fighting overfishing and illegal fishing with an army of “citizen inspectors.”
The Problem
Global overfishing one of the most pressing sustainability issues of our time. Industrial high-tech fleets are emptying our oceans at an increasing rate, severely threatening the sustainability of the marine environment and the world’s largest food resource. Today, 87% of global fish stocks are believed to be fully used or overfished, and some species are at the brink of extinction. Moreover, between 20-50% of the global fish catch is either illegally caught, mislabeled, or never reported, or comes from a fishery without a responsible management regime.
The Solution
The Black Fish is working to end illegal and destructive fishing practices and safeguard a future for healthy oceans. They train volunteers to become actively involved in port inspections and market research. This ”Citizen Inspector Network” monitors fishing activity and exposes of potential illegality, collecting evidence that is then used to aid the policy work of other organizations and to support prosecutions. The organization also runs speaking tours and public events to raise awareness around overfishing and shape more conscious consumer behavior.“Education and awareness will help to inspire a broad audience and to make positive changes towards a healthy ocean full of life.”
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
The Black Fish
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