Partnering with the seafood industry to support responsible, sustainable business practices.
The Problem
The global seafood industry has a vital role to play in meeting the needs of a growing world population and providing the livelihoods of millions of workers. But the industrial methods that dominate commercial fishing are unsustainable, with overfishing and illegal fishing threatening fish stocks and entire ecosystems. Compounding the problem, the industry’s supply chains are often complex, global, and untraceable, making it very difficult for both authorities and consumers to know if any given unit of seafood has been procured from illegal or unethical sources.
The Solution
FishWise promotes the health and recovery of ocean ecosystems by providing innovative market-based tools to the seafood industry, supporting sustainability through environmentally and socially responsible business practices. Fishwise partners with the seafood industry and grocery stores including Target and Albertson’s to achieve ambitious seafood commitments in support of sustainable, legal, and ethical trade that meets the food needs of a growing population while supporting biodiverse, productive, and resilient marine and freshwater ecosystems. The organization has become a go-to resource for best practices, tools, and approaches recommended by diverse experts in the field and in 2017 was selected by USAID to develop and implement a new global Seafood Alliance for Legality and Traceability.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
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