Shark Stewards
The Problem
Sharks have swum the oceans for over 400 million years, helping to shape and maintain the health and balance of marine species and ocean ecosystems. For all this time, they were the top predators in the ocean. But today, many shark species are threatened with extinction. Overfishing and shark finning — cutting off the fin for use in “shark fin soup” — is killing up to 70 million sharks per year, and 30 percent of sharks globally are under threat or near extinction.
The Solution
Shark Stewards mission is to restore ocean health by saving sharks from overfishing and the shark fin trade, and protecting critical marine habitat through the establishment of marine protected areas and shark sanctuaries. They conduct research, engage in education and awareness raising initiatives. And they advocate for legislation banning the sale and trade of shark fin in US and for policies limiting overfishing, combating ocean pollution, and promoting the practice of catch-and-release of sharks.
Stage of Development
- Early Stage
- Established Prototype
- Scaling
- Other
Organization to Receive Funds
Shark Stewards
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