Tottering Biped Theater: A gender neutral approach to partner dancing
Tottering Biped Theater: A gender neutral approach to partner dancing
The Problem
Traditionally, gender roles have been a subliminally central component of ballroom dancing. The form harkens back to a hierarchal world in which the male is expected to be strong and powerful dictating the direction and form the dance should take. As we know, however, these gender stereotypes can play out in destructive ways in our society making it all the more important that our rituals and forms of expression start to reflect the complexity and nuances of our evolving culture.
The Solution
Trevor Copp and Jeff Fox have developed a form of ballroom dance known as Liquid Lead Dancing to combat the pervasive gender norms of the strict ballroom world. Liquid Lead means that the dance partners can move in and out of their lead/follow roles to create a new paradigm of dance. With Liquid Lead, ballroom dancing is no longer about power and gender dynamics; instead it shifts the focus to simply taking care of your partner.
Stage of Development
Organization to Receive Funds
Tottering Biped Theater